Old Black Computer Magazine

The logo of old Persian Computer Magazine

The logo of Farsi Computer Magazine in Iran - Courtesy of 1Pezeshk.com

This is the logo of my beloved computer magazine, written in Farsi, that I used to read when I was in middle school. Back then I only knew some BASIC programming that I learned from my Commodore 64 manual.

This magazine had sections full of short codes that do funny stuff and mostly written in C and Pascal. Every so often I could find some BASIC codes there and used to try them.

The fact that I had no idea about Pascal programming and I didn't speak English either and reading Pascal code was absolutely meaningless to me! did not stop  12 years old me from just typing those codes into an editor and hoping for a miracle to happen and codes would run! But whenever I tried the amazing codes that were supposed to draw a rainbow or fireworks, they all failed. I were almost sure the codes in the magazine are wrong and they have typos in their publications. In the end, I gave up on the magazine and stopped buying them!

A couple of years later, I realized why the magazine codes would not work on my old Intel 286 IBM PC compatible machine. I had a CGA monitor/graphics and those codes at least required EGA monitor/graphics. When I realized that my monitor is capable of showing only 4 colors, I felt betrayed and I cried for weeks until my parents bought me an Intel 486 PC with VGA graphics! I could even run Windows 3.1 on it!


Quality of CGA image from Wikipedia